Every aspect of abduction research is hounded by the shadow of bias and confabulation. Your primary mission is to reveal the truth, with clarity and accuracy.

Abductees live in a strange world. They have a series of bizarre experiences which, if they are unaware of the connection to the abduction phenomenon, can constitute a world that others do not recognize. They see ghosts routinely, their relatives come back from the dead to give them a message. They travel on the astral plane, they have unwanted and unexpected out of body experiences, they have guardian angels, devils plague them, balls of light terrorize them. They see religious figures. They might be in one place and then seemingly a few seconds later they are in another place and they have no idea how they got there. They seem to be in touch with an “alternate reality.”


For many abductees, sleep can be filled with vivid dreams so life-like that they remain frightened of certain nightmares even years after they happened. They continually have what they interpret as “waking” or “lucid” dreams. They have bizarre paralysis at night that they interpret as hypnagogic or hypnopompic experiences. They have missing time sequences. They see UFOs.


But, all is not as it seems. One woman confidently told me that she could “bend time.” She claimed that she could make time compress so that she could be somewhere in a much shorter time than it normally would take her. She accepted this without question as just a facility that she possessed.


One day she arrived at my house at 10:00 a.m. right on time for our regression appointment. She explained to me that she had left her house at 9:30 for our appointment at and expected to arrive at 10:30 or later (she lives one hour away). We had done many hypnotic sessions and she knew exactly how long it took to get to my home office. She interpreted her arrival at 10:00 as evidence of her ability to “bend time,” which she said she had done many times before.


We decided to do a hypnotic session on her trip to my office. We discovered that she was abducted in her car and when it was over, the aliens put her and her car down on a highway much closer to my house than from where they had abducted her. Even though the abduction was short — about twenty minutes — she was able to arrive at my house thirty minutes early. She had not bent time.

All is not what it seems.

When abductees explore their experiences with a competent investigator, over time their world tends to normalize. They realize that most, if not all, their bizarre experiences can be explained through the abduction phenomenon. When that happens and when they reassess their lives incorporating the new abduction information, they understand that the world in which they live is mainly rational, logical, and comprehendible, just as it is for the majority of people. Their ghosts, angels, devils, time displacements, and so on now become understandable. Their worlds become what non-abductees’ worlds are like: normalized.


Thus, we must be careful about how we think about the abduction phenomenon. We must ask ourselves whether we are thinking about aliens and abductions based upon our own expectations and culture, or upon the evidence that has been collected. It is important to separate the signal from the noise in our analyses. The alien phenomenon is difficult to understand but with care, logic, and close attentiveness not only to the evidence, but to the problems of that evidence, we can get on with the business of solving the UFO and abduction mystery.